KingEshop gives to all the merchants of the Earth the opportunity to open an online store containing all the basic features that make it possible to have a perfectly functional and professional online store for free. And it's been like this since 2007.
There is no advertising in your online store.
There are many systems that put advertising in your online store. These advertisements are often those of your competitors! With our system, there is no advertising in your online store.

There are no commissions on sales.
With some systems, you do not have to pay at first but they take a commission on your sales. If you do not make sales, you will pay a monthly fee. We do not take commissions on your sales. Regardless of the amount of sales.

There are no contracts to sign.
With some systems, you must have a contract of one year or more. If you want to give up, there may be a fee to cancel the contract. With our system, there is no contract to sign. You can leave whenever you want. And you can come back whenever you want.

There is no charge for storage space.
In many systems, the storage space available is limited. If you want to have enough storage space, you must pay for it. With our system, you can have all the storage space you want without having to pay.

You can use your own domain name without paying.
If you want to get the trust of your customers, it is necessary to have your own domain name. With many systems, if you want to use your own domain name, you must pay a monthly fee. With our system, you can use your own domain name without paying.

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