Your opinion on my site please
I need your opinion on my site because it is close to 6 months that I have a website but I've always made available.
Can you help me please.
Author : caverneshop
Readings : 723
Creation : 2010-02-11
Cherokee said ...

A few things about your site:

- There is an empty Category: MP3/MP4 (disable)

- The text of your entry: cgv, legal, ... does not display correctly in terms of punctuation. You could stretch on the page, it's too crowded on the left.

- Study of the new shipping (there is probably a simpler solution than the one you propose)

- About your product, you mix technology products with clothing, toys and pet. Maybe make 2 sites would be a solution ...

All this does not promote the sale because it does not inspire confidence ...

Here are my comments, I just want to help and not criticize!

Anthony said ...

You are getting all your products from the same vendor (I know also;))

This is not because they mix the products, you must do so in a single shop. It may put off some buyers ....

Aesthetic question, some of your pictures are Isolated others not, try to harmonize all that:)

And you, I would replace your banner that is not very professional and is quite pixelated ....( bad image quality).

Otherwise, the rest seems pretty good to me! Good continuation and good sale;)
PS: You know you can negotiate with your supplier (within reason;)))

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