Your opinion interested me
Anxious to offer quality products, thank you for making me your critique on my website:

Looking forward
Author : nwa
Readings : 715
Creation : 2010-05-29
Chantal said ...
As I promised (a little) looked at your site. I have several things to say:
The homepage does not seem very attractive to me these great buildings do not talk to me much ... may be you should improve it through products, photos, aloe, or something else, I find it repulsive.
Then you have lots of classes towards the end but there are things that are better in topics that they are numerous but very few met. I think you would have interest in reviewing the site plan, to group items so they are less numerous and better supplied, because you're lost. Finally there are things we do not understand (to the end of classes), I think you should review your documents.
Your photos (small) are ... too small and too light, it is not clear, it may discourage customers from going further.
Finally, to illustrate more you win, so that the overall look is less technical and that people have the impression of walking into a shop. I hope my advice will be helpful and that you will take it as something constructive, not to offend you, it's done in a friendly way as you did for me. I wish you a great success.
nwa said ...
Thank you, I suspected as much for the photo of the plant, was a test, it is on a plant aloe vera is most telling.
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