Your opinion
hello I want to know what you think of my shop?
because I'm on there a lot of stuff has corrected or added
Thanks a lot
Author : michel
Readings : 814
Creation : 2010-10-19
Rongeurs said ...
There is a concern with the names of the articles. They do not appear in full.
Moreover, I think you should add in your description record. It lacks a lot.
For senior pictures, some have and others do not. It's a shame.

Under the conditions of sale, the piece is a bit unpalatable. Try to separate paragraphs by putting titles so that users find what they want quickly. Remember also to justify your text.

For promotions, you should put the old price or else put the% reduction story that prospects can see how much is the discount.

In the basket, your territories are ill defined, (only three regions) You do not have books in Belgium for example when you put the USA?

That's all I think, but otherwise the whole not bad
Anonymous said ...
attention to the spelling! it does not seriously
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