Your opinion
Hello everyone,
I must say that your comments helped me much to my site and thank you is in order, I hope eventually to bring my experience as you did to newcomers!

And today, I need objective advice, as friends and family have always tended to not want to offend in most cases ....

I work on the site for a while, but it is true that by dint of having his nose in it you can not see the point ... I continue the optimization, involves some adwords ads, minscrit in directories, spends a few ads, I am also in contact with some traders to exhibit my products in stores, I am a flea market soon, my flyers are ready ... a brief summary of what I read .. despite all this I have low morale because no sale at all ... in addition to the sandbox ...

Can you do me a goal back for my site please?? Did you experience the sand box, how long it lasts on???

Thank you for your answers
Author : Flower
Readings : 808
Creation : 2010-04-25
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