Your opinion
Hi I created a site where we are two

I'd like your opinion on the pages and what I can possibly change because for me it is but I think the criticism helps to advance.

So thank you for being honest and saying what is missing or what is changing.

:) Thank you
Author : christelle
Readings : 839
Creation : 2010-02-12
niwa said ...

I'll speak more to you do not see your site.

I will counsel informs your keywords tags (keywords) and descriptions. For your keywords you should separate them with commas because, as you did that made her do. Then in your description you should put your main keyword.
It's no use PlayPal or the like as a keyword brings you its not nothing.

Returns emergency beacons and it takes a fixed text on your homepage, the signal and its animated giff is not pro and made his escape your prospects.

Good luck
christelle said ...

thank you for your advice for keywords is a friend who will do it tonight because it will my referencing with his pack he has seen pro sites.

For the homepage, I advice you to withdraw metslamainaupanier gifs?
(pity I spent time with them and I thought it was funny .....:)

for the tags I have not quite captured in the product description?
or in the description of the research engines?

thank you for the frankness :)+++++
Cherokee said ...
Hi Christelle,

There is also a forgetting: your SIRET number or self-builder!
I have not found ...

I agree with Niwa for animated gifs, better abstain.

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