Why can not reorder the articles?
I saw that we could not change the order of entry and that it depended on the creation date of the latter. However, it is not clear right now are all topics that we intend to publish, so it may be that more are added over time ... Thus, we find ourselves stuck because you can not go back ... Therefore, if our last entry was published prior to the right place, ie, in the lead, it eventually becomes less visible due to the advent of a new category.
So then I wondered if the team KingEshop could not remedy this inconvenience ...
best regards
Author : Moana
Readings : 880
Creation : 2009-12-15
KingEshop said ...
Hi Moana,

For changes in our system, we proceed by priority and being able to change the order of articles not part of our priorities at the moment.


KingEshop Team.
Moana said ...
I understand. Thank you for your response!
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