Why I'm not on Google?
I wanted to do a search on google to see if it put my shop in a good position, and amazement, my shop is on google!
Before when you typed the keywords for the products I sell my shop was in the forefront, now even if you type www.oldamericanroads.com site does not appear! <br / >
How come?
Author : P-E
Readings : 1143
Creation : 2009-10-14
Anonymous said ...
I just do a search on google and your site appears well.
philippe said ...
explains in more detail, how long have you opened your site, have you changed the domain from time
I just watched, you're on google
Site: www.oldamericanroads.com
noimbre you see the page that Google has indexed
22 pages, it's not bad for a start, right?
and I said that you'll have to buy glasses
you are always first when you type the name of your site
you make of a clerical error
Rasur ?????!!!!!!
P-E said ...
No, no there were no errors, but shortly after I posted that message because the address was there again ... it has already done the same for the site of my girlfriend ....
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