Image processing
Why I can not insert images (or photos)?
Why I can not insert images (or pictures)?
In the static pages and articles :
There are three possible reasons :
1 -
The image has a size greater than 150 Kb.
2 -
The total size of the images in the page exceeds 1024 Kb.
3 -
The images are not in JPG or GIF.
For the logo :
There are two possible reasons :
1 -
The logo has a size greater than 20 Kb.
2 -
The logo is not in GIF format.
For product images :
There is one possible reason :
Small image :
1 -
The size of the image is greater than 50 Kb.
Large image :
1 -
The size of the image is over 300 Kb (this includes zoom and mini images).

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