Configuration and appearance of my website
What kind of discounts are available?
What kind of discounts are available?
First, here is what looks like an invoice with all the features available configured (coupon, discount direct purchases, taxes and shipping costs) :
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The subtotal is the total amount of the invoice before the application of discounts, taxes and shipping costs.
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When the customer enters the coupon code (paragraph 8), it appears here. You can see the name of the coupon, the amount and the amount of the invoice subtotal after applying the coupon (the configuration of coupons will be explained later in this FAQ).
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Discount applied directly on purchases made by configuration in the section ''Sales discounts configurations'' (the possible configurations of this section are explained in detail further down in this FAQ).
The actual cost of purchases is the amount of the invoice after applying discounts, but before the application of fees and charges. It is not possible to apply discounts on fees and charges.
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Application of taxes you have configured in the section ''Configurations of sales taxes''. For more information about setting up sales tax, see the question ''How to choose the sales tax?'' in the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ.
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Application of shipping cost that you have configured in the section ''Settings shipping costs''. For more information about configuring shipping, see the question ''What kind of shipping cost are available?'' in the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ.
Total amount of the invoice after the application of discounts, taxes and shipping costs.
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Where the customer must enter the coupon code.
The function ''Sales discounts configurations'' is available in the section ''My web site'' - ''General Settings''.
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The function ''Sales discounts configurations'' is separated into three sections :
a ) Management of minimum sales
b ) Type of direct discount on sales
c ) Management coupons
a ) Management of minimum sales :
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By selecting this function, you force your customer to buy a minimum amount (the amount you enter in the box). If the invoice does not reach the minimum amount that you have registered, the customer can not complete his invoice.
Example : You want your customers to buy at least 50 dollar before completing their invoices. You check the box beside the words ''To complete an invoice, there must be a minimum amount of sales and in the field ''Minimum'', you enter the amount : 50.00
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The amount of the invoice must reach the minimum amount AFTER the application of discounts and BEFORE the application of fees and charges. Actual cost of purchases is taken into account. If your customer clicks on the button ''Finish'' of the invoice and that the actual cost of purchases less than 50 dollar, the following message will appear :
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The customer will then continue its purchases until the actual cost of purchases to reach 50 dollar.
b ) Type of direct discount on sales :
shopping cart program
This section includes four functions :
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This option is the one chosen in the original configuration and this means there is no discount on direct sales. However, this does not set the coupon code (explained below).
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online shopping cart
By selecting this function, if the subtotal from the customer's order reaches (or exceeds) the maximum amount that you put in the box, a rebate of a fixed amount (not percentage) will be deducted from the subtotal of invoice.
Example : You want a discount of 5 dollar to be applied if the subtotal of your order reaches (or exceeds) 20 dollar. In the box ''Limit amount'', you must enter 20 and in the box ''Fixed discount'', you must enter 5
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When the subtotal of the invoice from your customer reach (or exceed) 20 dollar, an amount of 5 dollar will be deducted.
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3 -
shopping cart solution
By selecting this function, if the subtotal from the customer's order reaches (or exceeds) the maximum amount that you put in the box, a discount percentage will be deducted from the subtotal of the invoice.
Example : You want a discount of 10% to be applied if the subtotal of the invoice reaches (or exceeds) 50 dollar. In the box ''Limit amount'', you must enter 50 and in the box ''Discount percentage'', you must enter 10
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When the subtotal of the invoice from your customer reach (or exceed) 50 dollar, a 10% discount will be applied.
Ecommerce solutions
4 -
ecommerce shopping cart
By selecting this function when the subtotal of the customer's invoice will be higher than the maximum amount that you put in the box, there will be a discount (percentage discounts) will be done on the amount that exceeds the limit.
Example : You enter 50 in the box ''Limit amount'' and 10 in the box ''Discount percentage''. This means that if your client placed an order for more than 50 dollar (90 dollar for example), there will be a 10% discount on the margin of the subtotal.
shopping carts
In our example, the customer has placed an order for 90 dollar, so there is a discount of 10% applied on the 40 dollar extra (a discount of 4 dollar).
shopping cart system
Important :
If your customer enters the code of a coupon, discounts on direct sales are applied to the subtotal after the coupon.
c ) Management coupons :
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The coupons allow you to give discounts to certain types of customers. You must create your coupons and then forward the coupon code to your customer. Your customer can then enter the code in the invoice and benefit from the discount. This feature allows you to make wholesale.
Expiration :
In this field you must enter the date of expiry of the coupon.
Minimum :
In this field, you must register a minimum amount for that bond applicable. Example, if you enter 50 in this field, the customer must buy a minimum of 50 dollar in order to benefit from the coupon.
If the client registers the name of the coupon even if the throttle is less than 50 dollar, a message reminding him of the operating conditions for this coupon will appear. The message might look like this :
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Product :
This field is used to register the unique code of a product for which you want a reduction to be applied. If the customer buys the product and other products, the coupon will be applied only on the product that you have entered in this box.
Example : You want a discount to be applied only on a particular type of shirt. In the field ''Product'', you must enter the unique code of the product (CHEM-001). If your customer order this shirt in particular, the discount will be applied only on this product even if ordering other products.
The discount applies to the product you have listed regardless of quantity ordered, that is to say that if the customer buys five copies of the product, the coupon will apply to the five copies.
If you leave this field blank, the discount will be applied on all products.
Type :
By clicking on the down arrow, you have the choice between ''Amount'' and '' Percentage''. ''Amount'' means that the discount will be a fixed amount and ''Percentage'' means that the discount will be a percentage.
Amount :
If in the field ''Type'' you chose the option ''Amount'', you must enter the discount amount in this field.
% :
If in the field ''Type'' you chose the option ''Percentage'', you must enter the discount percentage in this field.
Code :
In this field you must enter the coupon code. This is the code that the customer will enter in the invoice.
Action :
You must click on the word ''Create'' (in blue) to create the coupon.
Note ( 1 ) : When your client wants to use a coupon, he will enter the coupon code (that you've given before) in the field below ''Total''. He should then click on the link ''Click here to add a discount coupon''
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If the customer enters a discount coupon and click the ''Finish button'' before clicking on the link ''Click here to add a discount coupon'', the following message will appear :
Note ( 2 ) : Customers can enter the coupon code only a few times. This avoids people make attempts until they find a code valid coupon. If the customer reaches the limit of attempt, the following message will appear :
shopping cart software
Note ( 3 ) : The invoice can not be negative. If the amount of the coupon is higher than the amount of the invoice, it will be reduced until the invoicereaches the amount of 0.
Example : The customer makes an order for 30 dollar. He entered the code of a coupon that entitles him to a reduction of 50 dollar on their invoice. The actual cost of the purchase will not be -20 dollar, but of 0 dollar. See invoice above :
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