What do you think of my site? Advice?
Hello, I'd like to have your opinion on my website: www.passionbijou.com be indulgent please.
Author : passionbijo
Readings : 890
Creation : 2010-08-01
cyril said ...
Good morning.

your site is not bad except the text in the home under the pictures in red and the writing make it wrong before:)
SergeD said ...
I doubt that being forgiving you are of use. We must review all your documents in the homepage, they overlap on the photos or pictures are hidden behind the project over the page, same for your GTC leaving the page you need to create easy to read and create paragraphs GCS and a section not far below in customers, some high-end watches saw the price (ie EUR 43000) deserve much better pictures and information on the product, male or female, size of the dial, the cost of your last port appear to be identical for all the products 8 euros for a key chain to 10 euros, it is a lot.

Polynesia said ...
Hello, Ia orana,

Your site is complete and is already a good thing!

Unfortunately some pictures are blurry, it is true that putting red text on a black background is not very legible (especially with a fine writing).
Your first photo is very nice home with shop shop but the following photos are not great with the glass front (too much reflection).

The static page HELP with the appearance of having a concern (text overlapping) ...
Why do not you disable the FAQ page as it is empty?
In CLIENT you should grouped text box that go together (makes for a bit messy).
CONTACT In perhaps a better layout.
In LINKS maybe you should do link exchanges with other site related to yours or mm of free directories online to be better referenced.
Then had to choose a red lettering, use the mm red for all texts.
One last thing, you have no topic inspires you to these sites: http://www.foliefantaisie.com/ http://www.feeriquecreation.com/ or because I found a nice section (ring size, classification stones and metals ...).

Here I hope to have you helped and I wish you good luck!


Alizé of http://www.polynesiatahiti.fr
passionbijo said ...
Polynesia Hello, hello Serge thank you very much for taking the time to write such good advice!
I do not know how to disable the FAQ or how to separate paragraphs, but I will find good!
I will read your advice to take atention point by point the things that I must correct.
What is a GTC Serge?
Regarding shipping is a nightmare I can not get out that's why I opt for postage fixed what I would like to put it Shipping costs differ depending on the location of the client and the basket but I did not leave the site and the FAQ does not help me.
You are absolutely right regarding the Festina watch gold, And, I vasi correct it as soon as possible. I have great difficulty to take pictures because the jewels are often small and this gives a bad picture.
Again thank you and to work!
passionbijo said ...
And thank you to Cyril for his comment that I have seen only
S said ...
GTC (general terms of sale) to disable the static pages that do not serve you yet, go to my website, General, General Settings and then uncheck the boxes you. To separate paragraphs, when you dan the text editor that will be static pages or sections, just write a paragraph and save, and repeat for the other, so that you can adjust your text.
I hope I was clear not clear.
passionbijo said ...
You were clear, and I have been very successful maneuver although still very long really thank you to all of you are wonderful
Agnes said ...
jewelry beautiful but too much red for me
passionbijo said ...
I put as much red as the shop is red and black! This is to remind the sign! I change the font but apparently it still bothers you, I'll think about
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