What do you think of my online shop
Hey everyone,

I would appreciate your opinion on my online store.

I sell my own jewelry creations www.creadiv.kingeshop.com.

Thank you all for giving me your tips and tricks that fail.

Good evening
Author : Sandrine
Readings : 705
Creation : 2010-03-08
Anonymous said ...
Hello, it lacks the conditions of sale and the regulation on the respect of privacy (CNIL).
I think that putting the n dice siret the homepage is not the seller, it is already mentioned in the profile.
The homepage is bland, the wood display is superb it is very good value items cons but I find the prices expensive compared to what it is, there are plenty of other sites selling jewelry It does not reflect enough but I think this is an opinion among many others.
Good luck
Sandrine said ...
Too bad it is signed ......... Anonymous

As for prices, it reflects the quality of beads used and work performed.

It is true that lack the conditions of sale and the regulation on the respect for privacy (CNIL) but I do not know what form the state (this is for me to impose a mode of operation or is it already of texts?)

The home is actually clean, but it was voluntary. I'll rethink ......

In any case thank you Anonymous: o (
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