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What are QR codes and how to use it?
What are QR codes and how to use it?
What is a QR code ?
Here's a QR code :
online store
QR codes (Quick Response Code) are images that can store a lot of characters (7,089 numeric characters, unlike normal barcodes that can hold only 10 to 13 characters) and they are normally used to keep a URL.
With a smartphone, you can scan the image of the QR code and get immediate access to a web page of your online store. If you do the test with your smartphone, you will see that the QR code shown above points to the URL:
How to use QR codes to advertise your online store?
You can use QR codes in your paper advertisements such as newspapers, magazines, catalogs, business cards, brochures, brand pages, etc.. Also you can use them on less common places like cars, delivery trucks, clothing, cups, etc.. In short, the possibilities are almost endless. See yourself and imagine what you can do ....
When someone sees your picture of the QR code in one of your ads in paper or objects, that person can take his smartphone and go directly to a page on your site very quickly.
You can point your QR code on your homepage, the page of a particular product, a page of product categories or any page that seems relevant to increase the chances of making a sale or giving away the taste to your visitor to back to your site.
Here is a magnificent example of using QR codes :
Here is a superb example of what can be done with QR codes and a suitable site for smart phones such as online shops KingEshop.
Specifically, the video shows a large supermarket chain that has incredibly increased its sales by putting images of products and QR codes in the metro.
While people are waiting for the subway, they can purchase everyday products without having to physically go to the store.
With your online store KingEshop, you have all the tools to maximize the full potential of the m-commerce (''m'' for ''mobile'') and inspire you with creative solutions. Here's the video :
How to create QR codes to advertise your online store :
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Log in your administration.
Click on the button ''My web site''.
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ecommerce hosting
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You are automatically directed in the section ''General Settings'' - ''General configurations''.
ecommerce software
Click on the ''Creating QR Codes'' icon.
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e-commerce web site
The section to create QR codes will appear.
In the field ''URL:'' enter the address of the page that you want your customer sees when he scan the QR code.
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Example :
You want your customer sees the product detail page when he scan the QR code. In your site, go to the detail page of the product in question and copy the URL.
Paste the URL into the field ''URL:''.
ecommerce web hosting
To choose the size of the QR code, click on the down arrow next to the field ''Size:''.
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For our example, we will choose ''Medium (150 x 150).'' The numbers 150 x 150 represent the number of pixels contained in the image of the QR code.
ecommerce solution
Click on the ''Create'' button.
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Ecommerce solutions
The image of the QR code will appear.
ecommerce solutions
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To save the image, place your mouse cursor over the image and click the right button of your mouse. A list of choices will appear :
Choose ''Save Picture As''.
ecommerce solution provider
Enter a name for the image, choose where you want to save the image and click ''Save''.
In the example, the image will be saved on the desktop and the name of the image is ''QR_code_1''.
ecommerce web site design

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