Tip : order of article
Yesterday I was looking if there was a way of ranking the entries, I found the answer in the FAQ and apparently this is not possible.
But I found a tip, if you want your entry to be classified with a certain logic, it is sufficient to deactivate and reactivate them in the order you want them to appear in the knowledge that most recent will always be in mind. I used this trick for sections of my shop which are classified in a desired order.
Author : Isa M.
Readings : 1249
Creation : 2009-10-05
Anonymous said ...
ah, it's cool isa,

thank you
Paul said ...
Hello Isa M.


Here is a post that gives interest to this forum.

Thank you for make benefit everyone.

Best regards,

Delphine said ...
Isa thank you for this tip.
Isa M. said ...
:-) But no, that's the spirit of a forum and personally I think it's great to share our little discoveries with others.
Isa M. said ...
I'm sorry but I think I have given you a bad tip because today I wanted to recreate the entry and the trick does not work.
Sorry for my mistake and my misinformation.
1000 apologies
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