The order of articles
It is not possible to change the order of entry (reply to this message KingEshop Moana), so I do not know how. It is important that I review this order not consistent with my goals. Does someone can give a procedure to avoid having to redo the job for 2 weeks? You will understand that I am a beginner.
KingEshop to thank you for the 16 improvements. fabulous. generous.
Author : Alice
Readings : 934
Creation : 2009-12-15
Moana said ...
well yes I ponder the question ... should we put them inactive and leave it later in the order chosen? I do not think ...
then we must wait ...
Delphine said ...
Wait it works for postage and I think then the sub-category!!

They have a lot of work.
it is best to rebuild your subheadings in the order you want them to appear by causing the copy paste of each party.
Isabelle said ...
I am also interested in being able to change the order of entry ... Is there another way than through the cumbersome copy and paste?
Thank you in advance!
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