Sub category
Hello to all

I would like to know how I could do to when I click on one of my classes so that it can open style barrier path or I could put sub categories

thank you in advance
Author : Aurélien
Readings : 957
Creation : 2010-01-16
KingEshop said ...
Hi Aurelien,

It is not possible to create sub-categories, but you can create up to 50 categories.


KingEshop Team.
Kalie said ...

If you only have up to 10 or 12 main categories, it should be possible to use some of the 50 pages to create sub-categories in between each category. Simply use a high-fin ( - ) and one space before the titles of your sub-categories.

Once created, if the titles are not in the order you wish, go to Manage Categories to move the pages around.

Here is a way to do it:

Category 1
- Sub-category 1-A
- Sub-category 1-B
- Sub-category 1-C
Category 2
- Sub-category 2-D
- Sub-category 2-E
- Sub-category 2-F
- Sub-category 2-G
Category 3
- Sub-category 3-H
- Sub-category 3-I
- ETC.

The numbers and letters I added at the end of the titles are for demonstration purpose only; you should not use them in the titles of your Categories and Sub-categories.

I hope this helps.



Delphine said ...

Do you have for the project after the work you do currently shipping to establish a system of sub-categories?

Thank you.
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