Shipping cost
Is it possible to include the amount of postage in the total pool before the buyer does not proceed to settlement?
It seems that good numbers of confusions or difficulties at the conclusion of the transaction come from this lack.
Some shops are able to view and others succeed or not.
Thank you explain the procedure to follow when building the store for the encrypted information of charges appears.
In a second step, is it possible to determine the shipping cost is different depending on the content of the order (weight ,...) or the shipping method chosen (colissimo with or without acknowledgment, chronopost, etc ...)
Thank you for your help.
Author : himawa
Readings : 941
Creation : 2009-12-20
KingEshop said ...

The charges may not appear in the cart, because at this point, you do not know where your order will be sent.

For your second question, new functions on the postage will be available soon.

In closing, never using phrases beginning with Please .. in this forum. Remember that people you meet and help you free if you use an imperative tone nobody will help.

KingEshop Team.
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