Request a general opinion on my shop
Hi community King e shop!
I just finished creating my site in 3 languages !!!!!!!!
I miss some artickes to add, Notament the jerseys of the 2010 World Cup (which I will soon receive).
I wanted to see you pass my site so that you give me a general notice on my shop.
I tell you my homepage:
I wanted so it is not asking too much too little guidance on the tags, given the competition it is in the products I sell, it'll be useful.
Thank you in advance to all who take the time to visit my shop and I too would try to help you, my best!
Finally a huge THANK YOU to the team of King e shop for all their work and their valuable help!
Best regards.
Author : Alfredo
Readings : 740
Creation : 2010-02-13
Anonymous said ...
The homepage is a bit empty. There are not many products but may be because you will receive. There you are missing important topics namely cgv and your identity with your Siret number.
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