Questions about the management of stocks and options
I like everyone I want to set up my shop! more question I ask myself and after reading the forum and the FAQ I have not found an answer may be you can help me
1 - y 'Has it possible when creating a section to 10 amount and if so, is that the stock will deduct after themselves?
2 - when someone places an order, it is accepted automatically? or is it me in my login which accepts? because imagine that my stock just does not deduct a single person can buy an item that I plu.Et unfortunately it is true that if the order is set ca va be complicated!
3-sheet by creating a section may be allowed to choose a person of color or size? or else he must make a record for a story yellow card item red etc. ... <br />
thank you very much for your response
Author : anaphele
Readings : 1116
Creation : 2009-10-14
Project said ...
Hello Anaphele, no problems there is the option to count the articles! With the Possibility to view the article even if it is zero, the option only when the item reaches zero it is hidden.
When someone places an order, the article count alone, and if the client pays I think it would be nice to accept! (lol)
It is possible to set options such as size, where the color! But not the 2 together! In my shop I have jackets and sweaters, I made a sheet for each type of color, but you can change the size.
Watch my example: in the clothes section!
This site is really top! You can go back to your shop, a part of the work ca costs you nothing.
KingEshop said ...
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