Problem title display items

I'm having a small problem.
When I go to a sheet product, at the top of my page (at the very top of the box the product), I have the title of my book that appears.

However, it does not appear completely and the text is truncated.
I can not find where I can resize the text box.

Can you help me please?

Thank you in advance.

Author : Anthony
Readings : 789
Creation : 2010-01-20
galexy_33 said ...

It's just that your product name is too big for KingEshop.

You can zoom in any case this text box.

It'll just change your title to something more current.

Best regards
Anthony said ...
That's what I made Finally! Thank you.
However, the length of the track is therefore too small to my taste: (((

The title of the product has an impact in search engines?
galexy_33 said ...
I actually believe that this title has a good effect but in this case you can not do otherwise.
Anthony said ...
By cons, that title also appears in the results.
And when the search finds nothing ..... the displayed text is truncated:

Sorry, no result for this


It is not very pro.

I think a bug rather than a title too long in the end.
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