Problem of referencing
Hello, actually my worries me is that when looking for my site on google it appears (it already is) if you type the full name, if I type the words descriptive of my site I appears nowhere . In addition to typing the exact name it appears in this form: without description while in the admin of my site I made: Elfyshop, accessories, clothing for dogs. In essence this helps me to be better referenced.
Someone can then tell me how to change the description for my site in the pages of search engines?
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Author : Elfyshop
Readings : 1286
Creation : 2009-09-29
EasyAirsoft said ...
me the opposite I am referenced at the beginning and now I am no longer
that this happens I can be banned was not possible??
philippe said ...
a good night you two
I think if you leave time to google what you wrote will be a place, I've already changed several times the words, and after a time it appeared, so no worries, let take time
I created a new site, I appear after two weeks and yet I did that the site had no time to put items, but I do not despair, then it will come courage, and above n Remember the blog or some site to be present, a little pub around you
I can do it laugh, I made the pub and I took my courage in both hands and went to put them in the letter boxes, everything is good to know what to do, the culo does not kill.
good luck to you
KingEshop said ...
Hi Elfyshop et EasyAirsoft,

Please read this article very carefully, it is in french but you can translate it with Google's translator :


KingEshop Team.
Delphine said ...
Philippe, you're right to do your advertising and put it in the mailbox.
It's been a while since I have to do the same but I lack time.
In addition, as is near you, you can deliver them directly!

philippe said ...
hello delphine
yes the pub next door, the advantage as you said is that I deliver, for the moment I'm out just fine and my biggest sales are made like that, or with friends , and then friends of friends,
Just kidding, but does that c real, a way to do this know, once someone has purchased the product, we know little and then talk about him, That makes the pub, I made even even better, I made the markets, but !!!!!!!!!
not stupid, I never go twice to the same place, but I have my logo on my stand, like that, it Peuv find me and make commande.enfin, ideas there as full, just a few pellet,
and lots of energy, the net is for later
good continuation has you and happy to read you
Delphine said ...
Be careful if you have a status of self-contractor, you're not allowed to do walked.
At least that's what I could understand.
It is also true that I decided to put my ad in the mailbox but between work, my studies, my family with my little flea!
hard drive!
Tomorrow I think we'll go every 2!
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