Problem of overlapping words
In building my site admin there are some words and whole texts that overlap the words below the line or other group of text or photos.
Is this a police problem and how can I resolve it?

Thank you for your help

Author : Chantal
Readings : 743
Creation : 2010-04-01
AlainD said ...
Good morning.
It's simple, in your admin you hold the left click of the mouse and you drag your text and images and organize.
KingEshop said ...
Hi Chantal,

Your problem is the same as all the webmasters of the Earth, you must appeal to all browsers.

The best thing to do is build your pages by checking with several browsers.


KingEshop Team.
Cécile said ...

For my part, I followed the advice of my daughter and I am due to not having thought of it sooner because I am head off to put my writing in some way in my party administrator, then go and check through the results with different browsers: Choose a simple font, which is often encountered and you'll have no problem (much less in all cases). In addition, even if the font you chose you liked it a lot, it may appear quite differently with another browser then regret not changing it.
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