Possible to replace the gif in the header of my site?

I have a small problem that I can not solve even with all the goodwill and have read the FAQ and the forum.

I want to replace the gif (which is the name of my company) for another because the color is not showy enough?

To be more precise is the logo that is added from my web page and then click General and download by clicking on the logo of the company.

Is this possible?

Thank you in advance for the answers, cordially PUB Attitude.
Author : Pubattitude
Readings : 866
Creation : 2009-11-30
WS said ...
yes you can do you remake a gif.
You can do everything the band but there are constraints:
- The size of the image must be 990 x 93 pixels
- The weight of the image should not exceed 20K: AND it's not easy!

For my part I work it in photoshop because there are options for saving web that can lower the weight images, but inevitably the quality chasm ... you can see this on my own banner.
Good luck!

Pubattitude said ...
I do not want the whole band, I want to keep the header and put the name of the site about 10 cm wide. The trouble is that I can not delete it or replace it.
WS said ...
normally if you go to look redo your new file on your pc it will automatically replace the old. Do not forget to send to finish.
Pubattitude said ...
Well, the answers did not rain, I am always in search of replacement name.
Pubattitude said ...
ok is set I put the time but I want the right end, thank you WS.
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