An annoying problem: when connected, I had the stupidity to ever click on the site instead of retain. Since I am obliged to return my address and password to each login! I do not manip to go back. Thank you for your help
Author : MD
Readings : 1489
Creation : 2009-09-23
MD said ...
Hello, as I have had no response and I stayed with my problem, maybe the team could help KE, although this is probably a problem with the site. I no longer need to enter my address every time, but my password, though! I explained that it was to access the administration, not my site. Thank you all
KingEshop said ...
Hi MD,

First, it is a bad idea to put your default credential. Anyone seated at your computer can take control of your shop. The same thing if you steal your computer. So, do not do.

Despite this warning if you still want to do, you should check in your browser options.


KingEshop Team.
Marie said ...
it's the same for everyone and has nothing to do with KingEshop or any other site that you visit with a password (blog, e-commerce, paypal, etc ...): it must choose the options of the browser on his small private computer (click on tools ...)
Otherwise it is useful to read the instruction manuals for their equipment;)
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