Optional extras
Good morning.
Does anyone have a trick to add options to pay, because I would like to open another shop, and each item has a different price depending on size. Otherwise, I'll be forced to change Creamery!

Author : AlainD
Readings : 753
Creation : 2010-05-11
AlainD said ...
No ideas? Good for the team so Kingeshop, have you planned for this improvement over time?
It's a shame because your solution is excellent and it annoys me to shop elsewhere. He does not miss much to be it's really good

Mylène said ...
You can not add a paid option but cons may be that you can repeat the same ad with the option to pay and redirect the client state in the initial announcement of the ad with no option to link there is a flyer for this in the interface of each product.

Delf said ...
Why do they always have great pay more than small??

More seriously, the easiest thing to make a sheet product by size and therefore different prices.

Delphine of the bébés fringueurs
AlainD said ...
I had thought but the problem is that you can not make sub categories either. It's not terrible. It still lacks some basic functions.
I know it's free, should not ask for the moon! And it is already not bad.
Delf said ...
It is true that even a system of sub-categories would be really super cool.

I think that's the things to come but not guaranteed.

Delphine of the bébés fringueurs
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