Opinion on my site thank you
KingEshop hello, I come to ask advice on my site opened in February a few sales already under my belt, but I is not little prices, but finally produced enough interesting I think, but we must always try So your advice to improve interest
cordially françois
Author : françois
Readings : 674
Creation : 2010-06-07
NWA said ...

It slams I like! It fits well in the subject line. The blue text is not very readable at night, try other colors. By cons video games are a stain ... not too much to do with the theme of the beginning.

The jackets are beautiful, very upscale, like a lot! For your price I will advise you to maintain: it has something for nothing ...

Anonymous said ...
very nice site especially the home page, it is superb. It is true that blue hurts the eyes. For your price made careful if you drop the client does not believe that you are selling low-end! The best would be to insert a poll (I do not know if possible) to test the client.
françois said ...
NWA hello and thank you for comments so you're right for the games I will remove the page and highlight products that are more in line with the primary purpose of the shop, thank you
cordially françois
Ano-nym said ...
Store not bad enough pro, but come to the games, multimedia tools garden there?
Homepage fairly boring again!
Good continuation.
Mylène said ...

Very nice home quite related to your universe.
Only problem is how the link between the bike and pink lace the site, the site of jewelry etc.? This is not consistent to say them home they should be put in a page or remove links.
Do not include sites that you also are competing in one way or another this is not a seller.
Another question, garden tools What is the relationship with the rest? Same with video games and multimedia.
We must focus on a universe and improve it in substance if the client is dispersed.
But overall the site is really good.
Good Selling!

françois said ...
hello and thank you all for your comments, what is good for multimedia products, video games, garden tools, I have just the opportunity to sell, and I think that might have to be biker and love games, crafts, and multimedia does not preclude one another and yet it seems to me right, good as long as it lasts,
thank you all
cordially françois
Céline D. said ...

I'll be a little less enthusiastic than the previous speakers.

Personally, I think there is a real problem in choosing color of your shop.
It does not coordinate with each other and it gives a general summary not very pleasant.

Allow me these tips:

- Try to move the banners on a dedicated partner.
it'll be something at least level in color and then anyway your home page should be hosting your own business and not a window to your business partners.

- Try to rework your banner header because we see a clear demarcation black top and high pixel at the end.
The color orange is perhaps not the best choice given the subject kes (tan) you have chosen.

- For your small pictures, I inserted the url instead of the above category rather than shares invested in below.
Why? Simply because it allows you to choose a color for your policy (the electric blue is not always terrible). White could be simpler.

That is, all these little remarks prepared for the sole purpose of helping you to harmonize the colors of your site into something more elegant.

I wish you a good continuation.

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