Opinion on my site
Could you give me advice and tips to improve my site.
thank you!
Author : zesig
Readings : 926
Creation : 2009-12-18
alice said ...
then gives us the address!
a said ...
And we find where your site??
ZESIG said ...
Here is my site
give me your opinion
thank you to you
alice said ...
It's a great achievement, everything works fine. I'm still the same point: there are spelling mistakes that spoil the quality. Like others, I offer my services - my contribution to the community. I am more doubtful about the sentence as international sales team, remain simple! you can have distributors, business partners, but hey do not push it either. Why the general sales conditions do they show a different name? accurate in this case ZES-IG is being developed by the company ... You offer the shipping cost, is it reasonable? Perhaps you've struggled to enter your shipping costs? yet it is simplified by the fact that your jewelry should be all about the same weight, except perhaps bracelets .... There are good ideas, graphics, the higher the sophistication, the more it must be perfect! good continuation, alice
flo said ...
I find it cool, design, well built but nothing that the slogan of the homepage is a mystery of language française.je join another opinion about the faults are disturbing my gout.sinon, it is rather nice, modern and dynamic
ZESIG said ...
I replied via my slogan, You'll love what ZESIG hate others ZESIG which means your neighbor, your neighbor, or you love it or hate Him what other ZESIG is a French word that is no longer used except in some countries like Germany or Eastern Europe,.

Following errors tell me which, via E-mail: contact@zesig.com
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