Opinion on my site
Good evening,
I am finalizing my new site: www.chezlebougnat.com
Thank you for giving me your opinions (comments, criticisms ....)
Author : le bougnat
Readings : 798
Creation : 2010-01-15
Anonymous said ...
I found your site really pretty! Clearly, very professional and above all want to buy.
Congratulations and good sales.
le bougnat said ...
Thank you very much anonymous ....
I want the little extra that triggered the sale, you have your tricks??
alice said ...
Yes, it is your site. Very kind, Auvergne what! You could add editorial on wine that you sell on green lentils, because they are local products, you'll easily find the literature that you can inspire you. For the entry opens possibilities to be used by search engines. Commercially I have a doubt on the package for shipping. 2 packages Why not? up to 3 kg? 5 kg? according to the weight of products and packages that you offer. At least I did not understand, but imagine that I buy a bottle of red wine 6 euros + 8.50 = 14.50 euro package?? at that price I do not buy wine from Auvergne, without offense.
congratulations for your achievement, alice
le bougnat said ...
Alice thank you for the advice: in fact the shipping cost remains a problem and I expect the new promised KingEshop. We must not lose sight that this is food that must travel under certain conditions (cheeses in insulated bottles secure packaging ...) that which imposes high costs of packaging which I reflected some are the actual transport.
For example a bottle of wine I'm not sure that the shipping cost was 6.50 euros (just colissimo) fundamentally change things .... about the decision to buy. Better to group together to buy in quantity (as I said) and is more environmentally friendly.
When the editorial, I will develop the land next time ... so I plan recipes.
The purpose of my site is primarily being accessed by my client already exists on other platforms and develop joint procurement and works councils.
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