Opinion on my site
I opened my site for a month and I already had quite a visit but no sale I'm not worried too much because you have to start but I'd like your opinion to make any change .
Thank you
Author : Anonymous
Readings : 771
Creation : 2010-01-15
antinomie said ...
I give you my feeling on your site:
The name of your site does not match what we expected to see.
The LUX concept fiar just think finding votements or accessories see the same decor, but no tools.
Moreover, it seems there are too few topics and products.
I hope I was helpful
Good continuation
Anonymous said ...
Yes thank you, normally it would be clothing and decor that will only happen soon that it does not go as planned because I had to change supplier and then waiting for does not leave the site empty I put equipment.
alice said ...
I agree with antinomie ... it's pretty confusing, a diamond in the header and equipment in the products. And then, as you have a taste for paradox, your slogan is to say while supplies last, and you have virtually no products to sell!
Redo your home emergency, it adapts to your current situation, the referas you when your classes will be stocked with clothing and the rest. Here it is not possible, commercially!
good continuation, alice
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