Opinion on my shop

I'd like you to give me your opinion on my shop open for a year, but very few visits, about 10 per day

I referenced on google, some directory.

thank you in advance

Author : chtimi35
Readings : 779
Creation : 2010-02-19
niwa said ...
Hi Chtimi35,

I'm not going to talk about the aesthetics of your store, there will I'm sure other people do, I'll talk to is not visible on your site.

First you choose a domain name with many hyphens, people who seek your store know your name, they write in engines:
- 1 2 3 loisirs, we do not find you in the front pages
- 123loisisr i deme
- 1 2 3 loisirs.fr idem
- 1-2-3loisirs.fr, phew I am, this may discourage some potential customers.

Then when you've chosen your keywords you have not taken the most relevant and as there are only 9 but I'd say 8 because there is a typo for the word-necklace-is written-oollier - this does not help your SEO. (You can read an explanation on the keywords in the forum post: poorly indexed and others).
I searched with the word I was idling the most relevant-napkin-(used by 170 Fr 000 site) and I tried, but after 9 pages I left without you see.

So the problem for your lack of visitors is simply a lack of visibility (SEO problem). over 90% of your visitors from your blog, links and directories.

Solution: Review the keywords and insert them into text so they are relevant.

Voila, and look at other positions.
Best regards
Anonymous said ...
thank you for your reply

I'll look at modifying the keywords

for the name I can not change it because I buy a domain name.
Anonymous said ...
the answer is very technical but there is also the first page does not want to pursue is not attractive.
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