Opinion and advice on my shop
Hello everyone.

I start right in my new business. I am currently spent in self-contractor, and I often make empty attics, flea markets, fairs, markets. I thought I could stretch my second job on the Net by an online store where I put my items on sale barns void. So much for the story.
Now I'd like to ask you how you feel about the presentation of my shop: http://www.puzzlediffusion.kingeshop.com/
The presentation of the articles are not finished yet, I still have a job to do in industry, but I did this on my free time, after my main activity, this being a complement of income.

Tell me, all the criticisms and comments are good to take a constructive and above.

Thank you in advance to those who advise me and give me their opinion.
Author : guiceline
Readings : 914
Creation : 2010-11-03
Emma said ...
Good evening

It's a good start, you're doing not bad, continues


Anonymous said ...
she is super am creating my own and I'm not nearly as talented as you, do not forget the statement in your Terms and CNIL
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