No results on internal research and search engine
Yeah, when I click on one or the other, no results will be displayed.

What to do?

Thank you to explain!

Author : Evinioux
Readings : 788
Creation : 2010-11-24
Anony Mouse said ...
The internal search function as all shops KingEshop, it works on the product name. To you, it works fine, but the item names are not, for example Collier Cassiopeia, Cassiopeia, but short. So typing Cassiopeia, it works.
In my opinion he'll have before you add the name of each item type, eg. Deco necklace or collar, or what is supposed searched one of your visitors because it will certainly not enter Aludra.

In terms of external research, you're not listed and no pages indexed by Google. You have not yet installed the Google meta tag (see FAQ) and then you have not even asked Mr. Google to come take a walk home.
You can not install this tag, but then he'll have to be patient or do much advertising before Google knows that you exist. (Already when he knows we exist, we know very often, if you do not send him his announcement, it's worse)

PS: The name of your creations are beautiful, but many of them referring to astronomy, their name alone is not a proper test research or internal or external.
KingEshop said ...
Hi Evinioux,

The search engine did his research in the product code and product names only.

For your SEO, please, read this very carefully, it is in french but you can translate it with Google's translator :


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