Many visits but
Hello everyone

right now my store is at a standstill for 15 days ...
Fortunately I'm markets but it brought me a vital complement.

I turn to more than 100 visits since the slump but not a sale.
I count on your help to make changes to what is wrong.

Thank you very much.

Delphine des bébés fringueurs (to type in google).
Author : Delf
Readings : 4458
Creation : 2010-06-03
zeni said ...
Can you please put the URL ca life easier for everyone!
Anonymous said ...
if you would put your site it will be better now to visit
Anonymous said ...
You ask for the link, but suffice it to note what is written and found the site on google!

I think the pictures are too protected, we see almost nothing. Prices are high (in my opinion) to put the articles online - rather than premium brands.
Ens DPAM costs almost the same price in store and no delivery.
Now it's my opinion.

Too many photos at home, badly Isolated it'sa little bit messy I feel.

Qt sales, well I do not know if DS is a bad time but quiet. Private sales are already there and month end balances already! People are preparing.

Sites like yours there are not bad, especially there ebay ... that's the problem. The corner too, where everything is given soon (I do not know how to make the vendors for that matter!).

Good luck, it must continue pierce sooner or later.

See you soon Regards
Anonymous said ...
on google you is not even how you find you leave your address is easier
jeremy said ...
crossing type your shop name is very bad for your SEO as customers type in the keywords you will prime your site name that will spam google spent on the name is not very good but it's your choice
Céline D. said ...
Hi Delphine

I think the effect is Mother's Day no less.
Areas of high oriented''woman''scored on the expense of others.

June should know a slight rebound with balances but with the summer holidays approaching things will surely stagnate until September.

On your site itself, I am not at all the same opinion as Anonymous.
I personally am of the school that thinks that the more visual reception is catchy, the more it makes me want to go further and for me, it always comes by adding product images.

My real downside to go to your header banner appears rough (image stretched and blurred).
My little flat concern the big blue bubble welcome to ...''''unhelpful and shift your page down.

The business is slow is a fact, in this case use your time not worked properly ...
This may be the opportunity to:

- Test another site template kes giving a coat of paint to your site
- Add a new product line (the small interior decoration, why not?)
- To other products on the front page of your shop
- To launch a newsletter, etc. ... etc. ...

That is my humble opinion.

I wish you a good continuation.
delf said ...
Hello everyone

no, I do not put the address of the shop for this discussion is not top of the list in google by typing the name of my shop (because I give a lot of cards).

Anonymous, what do you think ensembmle seeks
the new or used?
In nine of 15 overall, you are in the same price in supermarkets and I sell a maruqe Bob and Julie, who is worth seeing twice more.
For the occasion, part two, I can not do cheaper.

2nd anonymous, on google I'm surprised that you say they have visited more than 8,000 pages on these 15 days and I see people come through my shop on keywords.
After this area is difficult to be the first page with all keywords having regard to the competition.
In any case, I do not know how.

Celine D, I agree with you, my banner is not beautiful but it's really not my forte ca.
When you say test Ksh another shop that is to open a second shop in another similar site?
For the new range, I had not thought about the decor, which can also be a very good idea but more childcare as bib, plates, mobile ...
Got an idea for other products in one?
I've also thought about the neswletter but I do not know how I go about it because I have a lot more mail from my customers.
but just to make a mail, we can not embed the photos directly on the page.
And the newsletter I had to do was find in html, which is not my forte either.

In any case, thank you all for taking the time to reply and for your advice.
I take good notes.
delf said ...

jeremy, I do not understand what you mean with the history of my name.
You talk on the homepage or in this discussion.

Anonymous 2, my worry is not about the visits (more than 100 a day) but the lack of sales.
jenn said ...
I personally found the site very well I am one of those who started at the same time as you and I saw your site from the beginning and I can ddire with all the efforts you make your site is very much worked and better

the only downside is the banner for me too but if I was I'm not sure client that annoy

I agree with the idea that Mother's Day was able to lower sales of non-affected areas

Same images Isolated evil? or this? I personally found your excellent editing

concerning the newsletter is a good idea in my opinion

He ia also a tutorial here but I do not know the link

I wish you back your sales because I know the work that you do and you do and you deserve to be rewarded
Mylène said ...
Hi Delphine
I'll give you my honest opinion on your site but in no case is you get quite the opposite in order to help bring back customers and make the purchase.
First point is not the header is too bland and not very original, especially with a super site name as you is a pity he is not fit.
I'll continue with the offering or sale of low-end makeup is inconsistent with the theme of your website and it demeans the more qualitative side of the rest.
The makeup is very cheap but leaves it to others.
All your pictures with siglées bébésfringueurs above is a bit too much, certe it is to try to protect his photos but it is the staple too.
The links you put in the pge links are a poor quality video and two I do not understand those that redirect to a competitor's site or similar.
Trade it all for himself, as if LaRedoute put a link to 3suisses, put links to redirect following your own blog, facebook etc. to noise yes, the rest not.
Missing your CNIL n which is mandatory.
There are too many categories in your site, they should be together.
Whatever is used should be reported rather good business or something of the same style or it doubles the categories and the client will never take the time to watch anything.
Many categories such as health, toilet, security etc. should be grouped in one section or another denomination style accessories.
What are the books by Stephen King in the middle of baby items? Incoherent again.
My advice overall is well you focus on your core business, consolidate your items and remove anything that is unnecessary.
After all that is value for money / photo is impeccable, the client if he likes it he buys is not always a matter of money if the rest is emphasized that triggers the favorite .
This is long but I was honest and objective.
Then I'm sure it'll be much better.
I wish you great sales.
Ano-nyme said ...

I think there may be various explanations for this problem.

In general:
- The sales period is fast approaching, so customers are waiting for everything that is not urgent and essential
- It's almost summer, time to empty granaries and clearance sales at the weekend has come back, many people buy there because there are great business to be done, especially in children's wear. And even if at the time you sell your used clothing very cheap, you still have to add postage which inflates the final bill. So if you try to market rather liquidate your stock used in this way and concentrate on the new on your shop, I found that mixing new / used is not very welcome to the dud, it 's is not necessarily the same customers (it's a personal opinion ...) and the opportunity may devalue the new.

At your store:
- The colors chosen for the home page seem very cold (although I doubt you want to suggest the universe) pleated. I would suggest a multicolored world and a little warmer (a variation of your news item that I find very nice, with that mixture of frames in color).
- The new section should be the top, so we see it directly entering the home page, without having to go down the page. I do not know your store and I do not know if you do, but it seems equally important to change very often the product images on the home page, just like a real store regularly change their window
- Your logo is frankly not terrible, sad for this kind of shop. It would be to find a more hilarious typo or in connection with your world (and attention is spelled with one hand s - but if you stop it delete both new and used)
- The logo watermark on the photos seem unnecessary and demeaning to the products. I understand that you probably spend much time on it and you fear that you steals your job, but look at all the sites pros, none uses this kind of process. You'll save time and the result will be more productive by removing them. On the other hand why not turn your images are on the homepage link? Thus by clicking on a client that would land on your homepage and your interest in a product (eg shoes pink) directly find shoes without having to search in the items, which saves time for her to which can be impulse purchase (I think there must be an entry in the FAQ that explains how to KES).
- I will simplify the message home, which takes up space with pictures not really useful, a big blue block also need to review and text.
In the text eg must put: Welcome to the baby fringueurs. In babies fringueurs you find (and not: find it !)... It's more French!
If I may, here is another example of text content as possible, more pro seems he goes on:
Welcome fringueurs babies.
Here you will find your happiness for ptits bits of cabbage and up to 10 years. Clothing and accessories, the whole world of infant and early childhood in a single site, with new tracks every week. We wish you a pleasant visit.

Here are some thoughts that I hope will not only sound like criticism but I think maybe you could help improve your site that is already very promising.

Good continuation for you and hope that sales will restart dramatically in coming days.
jeremy said ...

basically I mean when you put

Bébé fringueurs (to type in google)

what is the referencing has 100% on baby fringueur

my clients not hit my baby fringueur the keyword so you reference the wrong your site

I tried with my software and with your keywords your site up to date Get off days

after it's your choice

That is why many who give their site avoids the google search with its domain name

Otherwise if you want to do as it gives a keyword

example with a keyword of your baby yesterday was ranked in google first page in the 9 today in the 15

your 27 and my keyword too will have your target in post longer bound to your website

it's just a board after it is you who see
Anonymous said ...
referencing mismanaged leading to a lack of sales
Delf said ...
Hello everyone and thank you for your valuable advice.

Basically, I'll take the time to redo a pretty banner.
I will redo the photos to remove the name of the site.
Ano-nym, I love your phrase of welcome and I think I'll steal it.
it is there for that anyway!
Jeremy on this discussion, I préferias not put the url because I do not feel that AC is found in the 1st few pages but otherwise, I'll follow your advice.
I will also send direct links of products.

Mylène, my CNIL N is in the general conditions of sale.
Anonymous said ...
Hello Jeremy can you tell me the name of your software please thank you.
Manue said ...
I would be interested to know how Jeremy finds keywords?
Thank you it would help a lot of people I think

By cons I was also told that if the keywords are good, do not change the fun they can even stay very, very long? !

Thank you
jeremy said ...
hello manue

if your good key words and you change the fact they lose all their value and you lose a lot of referencing it is logical

Key words and simple word is not very effective

short phrases is much more effective because it thrown on the simple word is too rependu and harder this referenced in google
jeremy said ...
manue give your address and I'll say your keywords in order lol
Manue said ...
Hi Jeremy (sorry Delf .... I do not want to bypass because it is your post at startup).

Jeremy stp give me yours if you do not mind

Thank you:)
Anonymous said ...
Delf, you do not even need to put your url
if you type fringeurs babies sooner or later we will post the first page.
The advantage of the forum is to help each other but also the disadvantage is to show everyone on the net the concerns we have with the shops .... thus customers can see and know!
Céline D. said ...
Goodnight Delf,

I was suggesting you change the theme in your admin your store, especially not to open another one, if you're not out of the woods!

Looking forward;)
Delf said ...
Thank you Celine.

Jeremy, I will also advise on the most promising keywords please.
thank you
jeremy said ...
Me I have not changed the title or theme
order to make a site that is not redoing everything to zero
made the most you can and again without any change
otherwise you must change the address and in this case you lose all the SEO
the banner must be identical to the address
Céline D. said ...

Change the theme of his site is one of the advantages of shopping kingeshop.
Why deprive yourself?
It's just the story of two clicks! it looks like new but if you do not, we return to the old.
Well after it was just an idea that I gave.

As for changing the title ... I read the answers''diagonal''but I do not think anyone suggested him to do so. Very bad advice in the absolute.

Delf said ...

I changed the theme of my shop.
It is true that it restores a coat of paint.
As for the name change, no advice of this kind was given to me and frankly even if it did, I would not have listened to this advice.

For cons, I'm only gimp software and I hardly use it so I am confused to make a banner that takes 20kb entire length and that is pretty and more.
If somebody who wants to help me.

thank you
Delf said ...

I started the mods:
adult book = deleted
style of the site changed.
I successfully removed five categories.

For makeup, I do not know yet because it was a set up following a survey of my customers and mothers.
And I only got positive responses.

For the banner, I have a friend who will help me.
Céline D. said ...
Hello Delf,

If the clients themselves have acclaimed this product category, it seems logical to keep in check a few more weeks just to see if what you already have in stock is selling well.
If it is not the case, you can optionally delete your offer later.

Go! Good continuation
Ano-nym said ...
Hello Delphine
Thank you for the suggestion borrowed my blurb:-D
The cases have they taken?
Good continuation.
Delf said ...
Hola Ano-nym,

was happy to take your text.
I found him very well.

The cases were not included despite more than 100 visits per day
Good continuation for you too.
Anonymous said ...
it will resume in September
Delf said ...
We'll see limited but true that it's hard right now.
I also see on the market.

Still mods: suppimé all the reasons to leave only the new.
It does not disrupt the customer more.
the banner is underway with a friend.

I must also take the time to redo all the pictures.
Delf said ...

I changed my homepage and I have a new banner made by a friend.
Occas deleted.
Delf said ...
Hello Delf,

I find your nice new banner.
Much prettier than the old.

Congratulations to all these changes.
Delf said ...
Thank you Celine
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