Little problem adjusting to the texts
Good evening, I have a small problem with the texts. Here's the problem in image:

Thank you for your help!
Author : Tania
Readings : 857
Creation : 2010-11-18
Ycaz said ...
Good evening

I think you have to line by line, that is the only solution ... Good luck!

Myr' said ...
Good evening,

Place your cursor over the text you want to adjust.
4 opposing black arrows appear.
Then press the second button to the far left of your keyboard, from the bottom.
(Above the ctrl, a small arrow that goes up under the lock, I dont know how this affects not called sorry)
Keeping your finger on it and click on the text you want to adjust.
The line will turn yellow and the 4 arrows only become 2.
While remaining finger on the button and also on your mouse
Then move your mouse, the yellow line will grow in height and width,
Your text will follow.
You might want to format your text as you like.
Hoping to have been understandable.

Sincerely, Myr '

Mastoursboutique.kingesh ......
ne1190 said ...
Throw an eye on this FAQ
Tania said ...

je crois avoir compris, c'est compliquée tout ça !
Je regarderai tout ceci demain au boulot, je vous remercie, et vous recontactes si ceci ne marche pas...

Bonne journée.
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