I would like some advice notice thank you
I just changed some stuff again on the site, I would like you to give me your opinion, your advice, thank you in advance.

Author : bénébond
Readings : 750
Creation : 2010-02-23
bénébond said ...
Bueno, entonces, es alguien que nunca da su opinión? Incluso tomó todas las críticas, sólo se puede avanzar. Vaya por favor.
Sabrina said ...

After visiting your website here are the little defects that I noted:

- There are several spelling mistakes Try to ask someone who is good at spelling to read the text because it does not inspire confidence at all.

- For GTC put spaces between the parts because it is illegible.

- Some pictures are blurry should be addressing this problem by displaying the photos in smaller example.

- The page could be a little clearer, row.

- The logo is not very professional
bénébond said ...
Thank you for your reply. I took notes.

And you what's your site, go and see.

Best regards
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