I have no visitors
I created my site a few weeks ago and when I look www.soinsetbeautedorient.kingeshop.com statistics, I have no visitors. Can you tell me what I missed, yet I looked at the FAQ and the forum.
By the same token, all reviews are welcome.
Thank you all
Author : Alpanel
Readings : 911
Creation : 2010-04-10
Mylène said ...
Indeed some changes are required to adhere to the customer.
Already have you well informed the keywords?
We need to create your page on Facebook, how about you in the forums so why not create a blog, canvass.
The banner and the colors chosen sontpeut not be appropriate, encourage the Oriental products to heat, sweetness, here the colors are too cold.
Perhaps one or more sections to show what argan and where it comes from, ditto for Rasul etc., people like to know where these products in general, the images invite exotic travel, it's relaxing, it gives confidence and encourages it in part to buy.
A client will not stay more than two seconds on the homepage if you did not create an atmosphere in the Eastern mind.
Then there are a lot of competition in this sector (just on Ebay is important) and there is the invincible mark the sultan of Sheba as a big competitor.
That said you can do it by staying very compétitive and also by advertising, googleadward is expensive but if you target the ads two or three times this year already see the difference.
The backlash is important and your costs incurred quickly recovered.
It is a comprehensive work but can be very paying in your area.
Fair sales to you.

Anonymous said ...
normally takes at least 6 months referencing it is not fast, it must be very patient
Alpanel said ...
Mylène thank you for your advice, I put up key words, make the pub around me ... even a pub with google a few days .... must be patient.
I will review in a few days the color of the site, I fully agree with you, it must adapt its site based on its products.
Good continuation.
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