Main questions
How to use the forum?
How to use the forum?
Here are some simple rules when using the forum. By following these rules, you are sure to have a smooth and enjoyable forum for consultation.
KingEshop reserves the right to remove or to modify any messages that violate these rules.
1 -
Do not advertise :
You can seek opinion from other owners of shops on your own shop, but the forum is not an advertising space. Requests for opinion for a site must be spaced at least 15 days. The period is calculated from the last message received in the thread. Example : You post a request the first of the month, you receive the last answer in the thread the 10th of the month, you will repost another request for opinion on your site the 25th of the month.
2 -
Do not use the language chatting :
You must use a proper language at all times. Example : dont' write ''b4'' for ''before'' or ''bc'' for ''because''.
3 -
Do not write your messages in capital letter :
Use capital letters is like screaming in the internet. Besides being rude, a text written in capital letters is very difficult to read.
Do not insult other forum users :
4 -
If you disagree with someone, you should express your point with respect.
5 -
Swear or vulgar words :
Do not use swear words or vulgar words or abbreviations of swear or vulgar words, no matter the context.
6 -
Do not use irony :
If your post is ironic, you will not receive any help from the community, again, you must to express your opinions with respect.
Do not start unnecessary controversy :
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The forum is a place for assistance to build your online store and not a place to start sterile polemics.
Ask your question in the right language (the right forum) :
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French, English or Spanish.
Do not start a new thread for the same question :
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If you want details on the question you asked or to comment an answer you received, you should always keep the original thread where you posted your question.
Write a relevant title :
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Write a headline that sums up the body of your message. Avoid also to include a title like ''important'' or ''urgency''. It is obvious that your question is important and urgent to you, but it is not necessary to mention, you will receive an answer anyway.
Always use the same username (pseudo) :
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If you've used a username (pseudo) you must always keep it. Even if you write in other threads, other forum users must always be able to identify you.
Do not adopt a demanding attitude :
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Remember that the people who help you do so for free and they do not owe you anything.

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