How to transform a text into a link?
A link is a word, an image or text that can be redirected elsewhere in the online store when you click on this word, this image or text. Example : In the homepage you have a photo of pants on sale this season, this picture you have turned into link that redirects (pointing) to the page of pants on sale. By clicking on this photo, your customers will be automatically redirected to the page of pants on sale.
1 -
Log in your administration.
2 -
Click on the button ''My web site''.
Then click on the button ''Statics pages''.
3 -
Click on the active static page in which you want to work.
4 -
The page editor will appear.
Locate the text you want to turn into a link.
5 -
6 -
Double click on the text. A frame will appear, it is the text editor.
Click on the button ''Link''. A second part will appear in the first frame.
7 -
8 -
Click the small circle next to the option ''URL or E-mail'' or it will be impossible to write in the field ''Put the URL or Email''.
9 -
In the field under ''Put the URL or E-mail'', enter the address of the page where you want your tip text (the page that appears when your client will click on the text which has become a link).
Note : The address of a web page is located in the URL in your browser. It often starts with http://. Just select the address, copy and paste it into the field ''Put the URL or e-mail''.
10 -
Click on the button ''Close'', the connection will close.
You may find that your text is now blue and it is completely out. Your text has become a link.
Note :
If you do not want to change the text into a link, click the circle next to the word ''None'', the address you inserted will disappear from the field ''Put the URL or e-mail'' automatically.
Click on the icon ''Save'' to save your work.
11 -
Tip : Go to your online store and click on the text you just turn into link, this will allow you to check whether your text well redirects your customer to the exactly where you want it to be redirected. If it does not, repeat steps 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and return to your online store to double-check that the text directs the right place.