Products and categories
How to see the list of my products?
How to see the list of my products?
1 -
Log in your administration.
Click on the button ''My products''.
2 -
ecommerce software
Then click on the button ''Manage products''.
3 -
4 -
Click on the second button ''Manages products''.
ecommerce solution
The window for managing the products appears.
ecommerce solutions
To see the complete list of your products, click in the field ''Code'' to ensure that your cursor appears in the field.
5 -
ecommerce solution provider
The complete list of your products will appear.
online store
6 -
You can choose to display a list of your products in different ways :
By categories :
a )
Click the down arrow located below the word ''Categories''.
A list of your categories will appear.
e-commerce web site
Click on the category you want to view products.
ecommerce web hosting
The list of products in this category appears.
ecommerce web site design
By Activity :
b )
Click the down arrow located below the ''Activity''.
ecommerce hosting
If you want the list of visible products in your online store, choose the option ''Disable''.
Ecommerce solutions
The list of all active products appear.
If you want a list of products not visible in your online store, select ''Enable''.
ecommerce shopping cart software
The list of all products inactive appears.

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