Configuration and appearance of my website
How to remove the function ''My cart''?
How to remove the function ''My cart''?
The function ''My cart'' is the feature that allows your customers to make purchases in your online store.
The function ''My cart'' is visible in two ways in your site :
- In the top band of your site (under the header) :
ecommerce web site design
- In the product description (''Add'' button) :
ecommerce solutions
If you own an estate agency or if you sell products too expensive to be bought online or otherwise, it may be that you do not need the function ''My cart'' in your online store.
To disable the function My cart'' you must :
Log in your administration.
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Click on the button ''My web site''.
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e-commerce web site
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You are automatically directed in the section ''General Settings'' - ''General configurations''.
ecommerce hosting
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Click on the icon ''Configurations of the options and the static pages''.
ecommerce software
The section ''Configurations of the options and the static pages'' will appear. This section is very large, so we present only a small part of the section.
ecommerce solution
In the section ''Options'', uncheck the box next to the word ''My cart : Allows the billing and sales'' by clicking in the box. A little black hook disappear.
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ecommerce solution provider
Note : When you check the option ''My cart'', the ''Prices'' option is activated automatically. When you uncheck the option ''My cart'', the ''Price'' option remains enabled. If you do not want your money appear in your online store, simply uncheck the box next to the word ''Prices : Show product prices'' by clicking in the box. The little black hook disappear.
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To see the result, go to your online store, you will see that :
- The function ''My cart'' has disappeared from the top band of your site (under the header) :
ecommerce web hosting
- That the ''Add'' button has disappeared from the product description (and all your products as well) :

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