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How to insert my eshop in Facebook and other websites?
How to insert my eshop in Facebook and other websites?
The associated websites (Facebook, Wix, Blogger, etc.) allow you to multiply your online store. It's like having dozens of online stores simultaneously.
Ecommerce solutions
Configuration is done in two steps : in the administration of your shop KingEshop (1) and then to the destination website (2).
First step - Configure the administration of your KingEshop store.
1 -
Log in to your administration.
2 -
Click on the "My website" button.
storefront software
3 -
Then click on the "Associated websites" button. shopping cart
The following page will appears :
e commerce software
- Create an new associated website :
Click on the "Create an associated website" button.
The following page will appears :
shopping cart
Arrow 1 : Click the down arrow and select a language. The languages ​​available are those that you have already configured. The language you choose will be the one that the customer will see in the associated website. Example : if you select "French", the customer will see the French version in the associated website.
Arrow 2 : Click the down arrow and choose the type of associated website (eg Facebook, Blogger, etc.). If the type of site you want is not available in the list, you can select "All websites (general)".
Arrow 3 : Enter a code ID for the associated website. Example : AAA-001.
Arrow 4 : To create the associated website. This button is only available if you choose a type of website and register a code ID. By clicking this button, you are redirected to the page to edit the associated websites you've already created.
Arrow 5 : Deletes the data you entered in this page.
- Modify associated websites :
Click the "Edit associated websites" button.
The following page will appears :
Click the down arrow and choose the code ID of the associated website that you want to edit.
e commerce
The following page will appears :
ecommerce shopping cart solution
Arrow 1 : Allows you to see on which associated website you still work and choose another code ID associated website.
Arrow 2 : Delete the associated website. Please note that this action is irreversible.
Arrow 3 : Change the language of display of the associated website.
Arrow 4 : Change the type of associated website (eg Facebook, Blogger, etc.). If the type of site you want is not available in the list, you can select "All websites (general)".
Arrow 5 : Change the code ID.
Arrow 6 : Shows you the format of your products available in the associated website. If it does not suit you, you can change it by clicking on the "Select another format" (arrow 7).
Arrow 7 : Change the format of your products available in the associated website. To choose a different size, click on the "Select another format" button and then click the format of your choice. The change will happen automatically.
Arrow 8 : Selects an image to the header that will be displayed in the associated website. If you insert a header image, this one will fit the size of the selected format. If you do not choose image, no header image will appear in the associated website. The maximum weight for this image is 100K and file formats are : JPG, JPEG, GIF and PNG.
Arrow 9 : To download the image from the header. After clicking the "Upload" button, the image will appear in the frame.
Arrow 10 : Delete the header image. Warning : by clicking this button, the image will disappear without notice.
Arrow 11 : You can enter a title that will appear at the top of the page in the associated website. Example : The most popular products in my online store. If you leave this field blank, no title will be displayed in the associated website.
Arrow 12 : Choose the type of graphic appearance in the associated website. You can choose between the "Automatic" or "Custom" option.
Automatic : Your products will be displayed in the associated website without frames, without background colors, etc.
Custom : By choosing this option, the following options will appear. This allows you to customize the graphical display of products in the associated website.
Internet Marketing Services
Note : At any time, if you want to preview the result in the associated web site, you can click the "Preview the result" button (arrow 14). A window with the preview of the result in the associated website will appear.
Arrow 13 : Choose the products you want that they appear in the associated website. Enter the code of a product and then click the "Add" button. The selected products will appear.
e-business solutions
The sign + and the sign - let you move your product into the associated website in the order that suits you. The X allows you to remove the product in the website associated only.
Note : It is important to understand that the product that you delete in the associated website is removed ONLY in the associated website and it is not deleted from your online store (so this is safe).
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Arrow 14 : To see a preview of the result in the associated website. By clicking the "Preview the result" button, a window with the preview of the result in the associated website will appear.
e-commerce website
Arrow 15 : For copy the embed code for to paste it into your Facebook page, your website or your blog associated. This code is very important because it will let you see your products in the associated website.
online storefront
The code may change depending on the changes you made in the associated website.
Note : The embed code of your associated website may differ from that shown in the example.
Step two - Configure the destination website (associated website).
Here is the list of associated websites available :
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 -
15 -
Procedure for :
1 -
Create a page with the "Créer une Page" button.
best shopping cart
Choose the category of the Facebook page (probably "Marque ou produit").
2 -
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3 -
Choose the sub-category, the name of the page and follow the procedure until the end of the creation of the page.
shopping cart solution
4 -
In your search box type in exactly this : Static Iframe Tab
ecommerce web site design
Choose the application "Static Iframe Tab" and click on the "Utiliser" button. Be careful to choose the one with the image of two large light spots (application names are very similar).
5 -
Maintenance Packages
Click on the "Login with Facebook" button.
6 -
ecommerce solution
7 -
Click on "OK."
8 -
Choose "Add To Page Tab" button corresponding to your page.
9 -
Click on the link "INSTALLED" for your page and you get to your new page.
10 -
Choose the "Welcome" tab of your page.
11 -
Here is the page for the final configuration. Please, do this :
- For "Page Source" choose the "URL" button.
- In the box below, insert the URL that you received in your KingEshop administrator (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store).
- In the "Height" box, insert 1100
- Check the "Hide Scrollbars" box.
- In the "Tab Name" insert the new name of the tab in replacement of the original name "Welcome".
order management software
Here is the result :
Procedure for :
1 -
Choose "Text" option.
online store
2 -
Select the settings icon.
e-commerce site
In the line "Text editor" select "HTML".
3 -
ecommerce web site development
4 -
Insert the embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click the button "Post".
e-commerce website design
Here is the result :
Procedure for :
1 -
Click the "Nouvel article" button.
storefront asp shopping cart
Here is the page for the final configuration. Please, do this :
2 -
- Insert a title in the "Article" field.
- Click on the "HTML" button.
- Insert your embed code in the field provided to this end (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store).
- Click on the "Publier" button.
Here is the result :
enterprise commerce software
Procedure for :
Click on the "Create" button to create a new website.
1 -
2 -
Choose a site template, enter a name for your site and click the "Create" button.
Click on the icon to edit the current page.
3 -
small business ecommerce
Click on the "HTML" button.
4 -
ecommerce web site
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "Update" button.
5 -
ecommerce hosting
6 -
Click on the "Save" button.
order entry software
Here is the result :
ecommerce design
Procedure for :
1 -
Choose the icon to add an item.
ecommerce web site solution
2 -
Click on the "Plus" button and then on the "Code HTML" button.
3 -
Click on the "Saisir code" button.
4 -
On this page, please, do this :
- Choose the "Code" option.
- Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "Mettre à jour" button.
- Click on the "X" button to close the window.
5 -
Click on the small circles and drag your mouse to resize the window as needed.
Click on the "Sauvegarder" button and then click on the "Publier" button.
6 -
Here is the result :
Procedure for :
In the page of your choice, choose the following icon and drag it to the center of the page.
1 -
2 -
Click on the link "Cliquez pour personnaliser le code HTML" and then click on the "Modifier le code HTML personnalisé" button.
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose.
3 -
4 -
Click on the "Publier" button.
Here the result :
Procedure for :
Click a text box where you want your online store and click on the button below :
1 -
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "OK" button.
2 -
3 -
Click on the "enregistrer" button.
Here the result :
Procedure for :
Click on a text box where you want your online store and click on the "EDIT" button.
1 -
Click on the black circle to access at the selection of items.
2 -
Click on the icon below :
3 -
4 -
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "APPLY" button.
5 -
Click on the "SAVE" button.
Here the result :
Procedure for :
Click on the "Rédiger" button.
1 -
2 -
Add the title in the field provided for this purpose and click on the text "Convertir en section HTML (Editeur avancé)".
3 -
Click on the text "Basculer vers le mode HTML".
4 -
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose.
Click on the "Publier" button.
5 -
Here the result :
Procedure for :
Click on the "Nouveau message" button.
1 -
2 -
Click on the "HTML" icon.
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "Mettre à jour" button.
3 -
4 -
Click on the "Publier" button.
Here the result :
Procedure for :
Click on your user name Eklablog. In our example, click on the user "mydemoking" below "Blogs de mydemoking".
1 -
Click on the "Ecrire un nouvel article" button.
2 -
3 -
Click on the icon below :
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "Ok" button.
4 -
5 -
Click on the "Publier" button.
6 -
Click on the "Enregistrer" button.
Here the result :
Procedure for :
Click on the "Écrire" button.
1 -
2 -
Click on the "Texte" tab.
3 -
Write the title in the field. Then insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "Publier" button.
Here the result :
Procedure for :
Click on the "Ajouter un élément" and click on the "HTML" icon.
1 -
2 -
Click with the right mouse button on the text "Sample HTML code." and choose "modifier le code HTML".
3 -
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "Ok" button.
4 -
Click on the small circles and drag your mouse to resize the window as needed.
5 -
Click on the "Publier" button.
Here the result :
Procedure for :
1 -
Click on the "ARTICLES" button and then the "Ajouter un article" option.
Write the title in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "HTML" button.
2 -
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click "Mettre à jour".
3 -
Click on the "Mettre en ligne" button.
4 -
Here the result :
Procedure for :
Click on the "PUBLICATIONS" tab. Then click on the "Nouvelle note" link.
1 -
Write the title in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "HTML" icon.
2 -
Insert your embed code (arrow 15 in the procedures to set up the administration of your KingEshop store) in the field provided for this purpose and click on the "Mettre à jour" button.
In the bottom of the page, click on the "Enregistrer" button.
3 -
Here the result :

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