Image processing
How to insert multiple images for a product?
How to insert multiple images for a product?
1 -
Log into your administration.
2 -
Click on the button ''My products''.
ecommerce solutions
3 -
Then click on the button ''Manage products''.
shopping cart system
If your product is not yet created, click on the button ''Create a product''.
4 -
shopping cart solution
A window to create a product will appear.
The window is not shown in full because it is too large, we present only a part of the window.
If your product is already created :
5 -
a )
Click on the button ''Manages products''.
ecommerce web site design
The window for managing the products appear.
shopping cart
In the field ''Code'', enter the product number.
b )
The product will appear. shopping cart
c )
Click on the product number (in blue).
small business ecommerce
The window to change the product will appear. (The complete window of changes in the products is much too big then we present only a part of the window).
secure shopping cart
You can include up to 5 images.
6 -
To insert images, locate the image function ''Big image''.
ecommerce shopping cart
7 -
Click on the ''Browse'' button.
e-commerce website design
For some browsers like Google Chrome, you must click on the button ''Choose File''.
ecommerce solution
Choose the image you want to insert and click on the ''Open'' button.
8 -
ecommerce shopping cart software
The name of the image will appear in the box next to the word ''Big image''.
For some browsers like Google Chrome, the name of the image will appear next to the button ''Choose File''.
shopping cart program
Click on the ''Upload'' button.
9 -
Ecommerce solutions
The image will appear in the frame.
shopping carts
Note : The maximum size for an image is 300 K.
The result in the administration after inserting 5 images :
e-commerce web site
The result in the online store :
online shopping cart
To view images, simply click on the image you want to see.
In your administration, if you want to delete an image, click the ''X'' under the image you want to delete. Before you click on the ''X'', make sure to want to remove the picture because it will be removed without warning.
ecommerce hosting
If you want to move an image to the left, click on the arrows ''less than''. The image will be moved from one place to the left. If you move the image which is in the first place, it will also be found in the main frame and it will be this image that will be visible first in your online store.
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If you want to move an image to the right, click the arrows ''more than''. The image will be moved from one place to the right.
Website Development Packages shopping cart software
The function ''Always show the mini images'' :
ecommerce solution provider
This function does not display the image in the first mini site if you have only one image.
If you do not want the first mini image appears in your site, simply uncheck the box next to the words ''Always show the mini images''. The small black crochet disappear.
online shopping cart software
The result in the online store :
With the function ''Always show the mini images'' activated :
ecommerce web site solution
With the function ''Always show the mini images'' no activated :
ecommerce software

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