How to get to have the confidence of the client?
After revamping my site like to many people (Back and comments)
But at the sale that's not yet
If anyone knows the solution or the customer (s) to want to buy or have confidence in the shop

Lack there something? : Slogan, etc.
Author : Sunset
Readings : 720
Creation : 2010-06-18
NWA said ...

After an audit of your site, it would be good to review the following points:

- Homepage too heavy (the weight of the page is 66.63 KB
It is recommended that the page does not load more than 50K), we must reduce the level of images, Google does not like pages that are too heavy to load.

- Your description is too long (must be shorter for google), it takes 200 characters maximum, take notepad + + in to help you. The description should not be an avalanche of keywords like this.

- Your site is not present in msn or yahoo here in the links for you to reference in these search engines:

Looking forward
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