Configuration and appearance of my website
How to display color for products already visited?
How to display color for products already visited?
Log in your administration.
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Click on the button ''My web site''.
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e-commerce web site
You are automatically directed in the section ''General Settings'' - ''General configurations''.
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ecommerce web site design
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Click on the icon ''Configurations of the options and the static pages''.
ecommerce solutions
The section ''Configurations of the options and the static pages'' will appear. This section is very large, so we present only a small part of the section.
ecommerce solution
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Locate the option ''Color for products already visited''.
ecommerce solution provider
Click in the square next to the words ''Color for products already visited'', a small black check mark will appear. The option will automatically be activated.
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ecommerce web hosting
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Click the down arrow located next to the words ''Color of product that has already been visited'' and choose the color that you want to appear when the product has already been visited.
When your client returns in a category, the color you have chosen will appear around the products it has already visited.
Example :
ecommerce hosting
Note : Remember to refresh your site to see the results. To refresh your site, click on the button ''Refresh'' located in your browser.
ecommerce software

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