Configuration and appearance of my website
How to configure the cumulative shipping cost?
How to configure the cumulative shipping cost?
To successfully implement cumulative freight invoices to your customers, you have three steps to perform. The first is to check the function ''Shipping costs are cumulative'' in section ''Settings shipping costs''. The second is to create your territories. The third is to fill in the fields of transportation (local, near, medium, far) in the form of all the products you create.
Step 1 : Check the function ''Shipping costs are cumulative''.
In your administration, click the button ''My web site''.
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You are automatically directed in the section ''General Settings'' - ''General configurations''.
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Click on the icon "Territories".
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shopping carts
The section to configure the shipping cost will appear.
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Find ''Type of calculating shipping costs'' and check the fonction ''Shipping costs are cumulative.''. A small black dot will appear in the box confirming your choice.
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Step 2 : Create your territories
For the process of creating territory is easier to explain and understand, we will assume that your company is located in the city of Paris in France.
Before you create your territories, you must configure your sales tax :
You must configure the taxes that apply in your country in the section ''My web site'' - ''General Settings'' - ''Configurations of sales taxes''.
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For more information about setting up sales tax, click on the question ''How to configure the sales tax?'' of the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ.
You are now ready to create your territories, here's how :
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In your administration, Click on the button ''My web site''.
Internet Marketing
You are automatically directed in the section "General Settings" - "General configurations".
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Then click on the ''Territories'' button.
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shopping cart
The section for the management of the territories will appear.
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In the page of territorial management, click on ''Create a territory''.
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The framework for creating a territory will appear.
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You can see that the taxes that you configured in the section ''My web site'' - ''General Settings'' - ''Configurations of sales taxes'' is automatically visible in the frame.
Ecommerce solutions
- We will create territories by transport area : Local, Near, Medium and Far.
The transport area ''Local'' :
Click the down arrow in the field ''Area'' and choose ''1-Local''.
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ecommerce site
The transport area ''Local'' is the area closest to your business. Example : Your business is located in Paris, your transport area ''Local'' could be the city of Paris only.
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Click the down arrow under the word ''Country'' and choose the countries in the transport area ''Local''. To continue with our example, we will choose the country of France because your business is located in Paris.
ecommerce solutions
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Click the down arrow under the words ''Prov/State/Dep'' and choose the Province, the State or the Department of the transport area ''Local''. For our example we will choose ''Ile de France''.
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Note : For our example, we chose only the province of Ile de France, but you can choose as many Province, State or Department that you need for your needs. You can even choose to take all choices Province, State or Department that can offer you, if so select ''All''.
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Click the down arrow under the word ''Taxe 1'' and choose to activate or not activate the sales tax.
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Note : If you choose not to activate the sales tax, it will not be added or the amount of invoices for your customers, or the amount of shipping. It is essential that you activate the sales tax or you yourself will take these amounts from your government.
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To create the territory, click on ''Create''.
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The framework for creating a territory will revert to its original state, that is to say, ready to create a new territory and the following message in green : The territory has been created.
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Note : You can create the number of territories in the transport area ''Local''as you want, simply repeat the five steps above whenever you want to create a new territory.
The transport area ''Near'' :
The transport area ''Near'' is an area a little further away from your business, but in the same country. Example : Your business is located in Paris, your transport zone''Middle''might be the province of Lorraine.
To create the transport area ''Near'' simply repeat the same steps as the ''Local'' area except that in the field ''Zone'' choose ''2-Near''.
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The transport area ''Medium'' :
The transport area ''Medium'' is an area much further away from your business is located in another country, but on the same continent. Example : your business is located in Paris, the transport area ''Medium'' might be located in Switzerland.
To create the transport area ''Medium'' simply repeat the same steps as the area ''Local'' except that in the field ''Area'' choose ''3-Medium''.
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The transport area ''Far'' :
The transport area ''Far'' is the area farthest from your business. Usually this area is located on another continent. Example : your company is located in Paris, the transport area ''Far'' could be the United States.
To create the transport area ''Far'' from simply repeat the same steps as the area ''Local'' except that in the field ''Area'' choose ''4-Far''. shopping cart
For more information on how to create and manage yours territories, go to the category ''Configuration and appearance of my Web site'' of the FAQ and click on the question ''How to create and manage my territories?''.
Step 3 : Fill in the fields of transport in the form of products
The third step is to fill in the fields of transport (Local, Near, Medium, Far) in all the products you create.
We do not explain all the steps of creating a product, we will focus on transportation costs. For more information on building products, go to the category ''Management of the products and the categories'' of the FAQ and click on the question ''How to create a product?''.
To access the fields of transport costs in the products, you must :
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In your administration, click on the button ''My products''.
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Then click on the button ''Manage products''.
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Click on the button ''Create a product''.
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online shopping cart
The framework for creating a product will appear.
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Locate the sections : Shipping Local, Shipping Near, Shipping Medium, Shipping Far.
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In each of the four fields, enter the amount (with no sign of the currency) that you want to ask your customers to ship their order, depending on the area that you created previously.
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e-commerce website design
If your product is already created, instead of click on the button ''Create a product'', rather click on the button ''Manages products'' and find the product you want to change the shipping costs. Locate the field for the transport and modify them.
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Result in a online store :
When your client will proceed with a purchase in your e-commerce and he will choose where they want their order is sent, on the invoice you will find the cost of transportation for the city or countries it has chosen. In the example below, the customer lives in Paris, it is in the transport area ''Local'' and shipping costs are 10.00 Euros.
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