Configuration and appearance of my website
How to choose the options in my online store?
How to choose the options in my online store?
Log in your administration.
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Click on the button "My web site".
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ecommerce web site design
3 -
You are automatically directed in the section "General Settings" - "General configurations".
ecommerce solution provider
Click on the icon "Options configurations".
4 -
The section "Options configurations" appear.
online store
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Click in the square next to the option you want to enable in your online store. A small black hook will appear in the square, which means that the option is enabled in your store.
e-commerce web site
Here is an explanation of each option :
- Search : Displays the internal function of the product search
The "Search" option allows your customers to make a search with keywords in your site. They can quickly find the product they are looking for by entering the product name in the "Search" field. Research is done only in the product code and product names.
Here's where this option in your site is located :
ecommerce software
To enter the keywords in the field to do the research, the customer has to place his cursor on the magnifying glass.
ecommerce solution
- My cart : Allows the billing and sales
The "Cart" allows customers to make purchases in your online store. This option is essential if you want to sell your products in your online store.
The "Cart" is visible when your customer clicks to view the product in detail and then click on the button "Add to cart".
ecommerce solutions
For all the possibilities for this option, see the help page "How to create static pages?"
Prices : Show product prices
The "Prices" option will display the price of your products in your online store.
Comments products: Allows your customers to comment on your products
This option allows your customers to read and write comments on your products.
The "Comments products" appears when the customer has clicked on a product to see it in detail.
ecommerce hosting
For all the possibilities for this option, see the help page "How to create static pages?"
- Number of products per page
This option determines the number of products per page that will be seen when looking at the categories. You can put up to 50 products per page.
Enter a number in the box. For aesthetic reasons, we recommend that you put 20 products per page.
ecommerce web hosting
- Color mouseover products
This option allows the display of a color when the mouse passes over a product and allows the display of a color when the mouse is no longer on the product.
For more information about this option, please, see the question "How to display the color when the mouse passing in the product pages?" of the category "Configuration and appearance of my web site" located in the help pages.
- Color for products already visited
This option allows the display of a color on a product that your customer has visited.
For more information about this option, please, see the question "How to display color for products already visited?" of the category "Configuration and appearance of my web site" located in the help pages.

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