How to change the homepage?

So I said I'm trying to do to build my online store!
I am currently waiting for my number Siret to sell items children (I have not yet)!
I already wanted to learn how to change the banner in the header? I created one but I do not go to edit! Not just the logo but the entire banner!

I wanted to know how to change the home page of the shop? here:

And last question is what the background is changed instead remained neutral?

Thanks in advance for your answers!
Author : Emmanuelle
Readings : 744
Creation : 2010-04-30
KingEshop said ...
Hi Emmanuelle,

Please see our FAQ, it contains all the necessary information to help you :


KingEshop Team.
David said ...
I ask myself the same question Emmanuelle and I find no answer as to change the homepage (central part). When you come to my shop, you see, so I sell TVs for lighters ... . thank you for clarification.
SergeD said ...
When you are in your jurisdiction, you go to my web site, static pages, host your homepage, you click the little logo W, then blank page, insert, and the pictures of TVs should disappear and you can insert your pictures and texts, if you need more help, let your domain name
David said ...
Thank you finally a clear explanation SergeD
Ano-nym said ...
Yes you can truly thank Serge D. who really is the patience to answer because you have read all the FAQs and articles to the right page (where it yaa straight answers) before asking a question which has already been answered dozens of times on the Forum! FAQs and articles written by the team of KES are clear, well explained and contain the answer to virtually all issues that can arise provided that we take SENTENCE OF THE READ!
Sorry but it annoys me to read the same questions endlessly on this forum, to believe that some people who want to open a shop can not read or are too lazy to!
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