Products and categories
How to add options for my products?
How to add options to my products?
1 -
Log in your administration.
Click on the button ''My products''.
2 -
ecommerce solutions
3 -
Then click on the button ''Manage products''.
online shopping cart software
If your product is not yet created, click on the button ''Create a product''.
4 -
The window to create a product will appear.
The window is not shown in full because it is too large, we present only part of the window.
5 -
If your product is already created :
Click on the button ''Manages products''.
a )
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The window for managing products displayed.
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b )
In the field ''Code'', enter the product number for which you want to add options.
The product will appear.
online shopping cart
c )
Click on the product number (in blue).
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The window to change the product will appear. (The complete window of changes in the products is much too large so we present only part of the window).
ecommerce solution
Now the procedure is the same if your product is created or not.
6 -
Look for the words ''Options'', they appear in all languages that are visible in your online store (eg : options (en) for options in english).
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If you have many options, you should first write a text file to make sure you do not commit an error of syntax. If you have problems, please refer to the 7-point checklist located at the end of this FAQ. Please take the time to tame this function offers many possibilities.
You can put options with different prices or the same price.
Here is the final syntax for writing the options for a product :
7 -
[price]Text of the option 1,[price]Text of the option 2,[price]Text of the option 3, ... and so on.
For example :
Website Development Packages
A - Each option begins with a square bracket incoming [ to determine the price of the product when this option is selected.
B - The price must be stated to two decimal and you need a point to separate the decimal (not a comma). The price may be between 0.00 and 10000000.00.
The price of the first option should be exactly the same as the price of the product. The prices of the other options may be different.
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If the options do not change the price, you must enter the price of the first option for all options.
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C - Each option ends with a closing square bracket ] to determine the price of the product when this option is selected.
D - The texts must have at least one valid character other than space. The text must not contain commas because commas are used only to determine the end of the text of the option and to separate the options. You should not put a square bracket either. You should not put the sign of money, it will appear automatically in your site.
E - The comma is used to determine the boundary between two options. When you have finished entering the text for the option, you must put a comma.
Important :
Most languages are written from left to right, so you enter the options from left to right like this :
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But some languages such as Hebrew, Arabic and Persian is written from right to left, in this case, you must enter the options as follows :
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8 -
For a quick insertion when all your options have the same price, you can write only the texts of the options separated by commas (without indicating the price).
For example :
If your product costs 9.90
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You can simply write the options separated by commas without mentioning the price.
Ecommerce solutions
The list of options will automatically be written correctly by putting the same product price for each option.
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The result in online store :
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1 - The price of the first option is the same as the price of the product.
2 - The sign of change is automatically stated.
Also, you may find that if you change your option, the product price changes as well.
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Note 1 : Be sure to include options in all languages that appear in your site.
Note 2 : Take the time to check your site's options you listed, because if you made a mistake, it will affect the amount of the order.
Here's how to register multiple options (such as size and color, for example) :
To make it easier to explain and understand, we will assume that you want to add options for shirts that you sell.
You want the customer to know that your shirts are sold in three sizes (small, medium, large) and three colors (red, green, blue).
In the fields ''Options'', enter the size and color together.
Example :
[10.50]small red,[10.50]small green,[10.50]small blue,[11.50]medium red,[11.50]medium green,[11.50]medium blue,[12.50]large red,[12.50]large green,[12.50]large blue,
ecommerce web hosting
The result in online store :
shopping cart system
Note 1 : If the options do not change the price, you must enter the price of the first option for all options.
Example :
[10.50]small red,[10.50]small green,[10.50]small blue,[10.50]medium red,[10.50]medium green,[10.50]medium blue,[10.50]large red,[10.50]large green,[10.50]large blue,
Note 2 : Be sure to include options in all languages that appear in your site.
Note 3 : Take the time to check your site's options you listed, because if you made a mistake, it will affect the amount of the order.
This does not work? Please answer the following 7 questions :
1 - Is that the price is in square brackets opening and closing?
Good :
[10.00]Text of the option,
Bad :
10.00 Text of the option,
[10.00 Text of the option,
10.00]Text of the option,
(10.00)Text of the option,
Text of the option,
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2 - Are the prices are designed with two units and decimals?
Good :
Bad :
3 - Are the digits of the prices are separated with dots and not with commas?
Good :
Bad :
4 - Is in the price found only on price, without other elements?
Good :
Bad :
[10.00 euros]
5 - Is the price of the first option is exactly the same as the price of the product?
Good :
ecommerce shopping cart software
Bad :
[10.50]White, shopping cart
6 - Is the text of the options missing the opening square brackets and/or the closing square brackets?
Good :
[10.00]Red (10 cm),
Bad :
[10.00]Red [10 cm],
[10.00]Red [10 cm,
[10.00]Red 10 cm],
7 - Does each option ends with a comma?
Good :
Bad :

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