Promote my website
How to add keywords to facilitate the visits of search engines in my online store?
How to add keywords to facilitate the visits of search engines in my online store?
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Log in your administration.
Click on the button ''My web site''.
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ecommerce hosting
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You are automatically directed in the section''General Settings'' - ''Generals configurations''.
ecommerce solutions
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Click on the icon ''Important data for the search engines''.
ecommerce web hosting
The section to add important data for the search engines appear. The page is too large, we present a small part of the page.
ecommerce software
Automatically, you can add descriptions and keywords in all languages that are visible in your online store.
5 -
Fill in the fields ''Keywords in ...'' with tags in each of the languages that are visible in your online store. You can separate your keywords by a space or comma.
ecommerce web site design
Note : For more information regarding the selection of tags to register, go to the FAQ in the category ''Promotion of my Web site with Adwords and others'' and click the question ''What are good keywords to include in the section ''Important data for the search engines''?''.

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