Methods of payment, credit cards, Paypal and other
How to accept credit cards WITH Paypal?
How to accept credit cards WITH Paypal?
First, to accept payment by credit card through Paypal, you must open a merchant account at Paypal which is a simple and fast process.
Then you must configure the administration of your online store to accept credit card payments with Paypal. The steps are explained in detail a little further down this page.
With a merchant account opened with Paypal and with the administration of your online store configured, your client may choose to pay your purchases with Paypal.
To pay using the PayPal system, your client must choose the method of payment ''Payment by Paypal'' in the sheet ''Payment information''. The sheet ''Payment information'' is when your customer has completed his purchase and he presses the button ''Check out''.
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A message which has some advantages of using Paypal and the Paypal logo will appear. Your customer will click on the button ''Finish'' to continue the process of payment by Paypal.
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A message that informs the customer that is connected to Paypal in a secure manner and the customer will be redirected to the home page of Paypal. From this moment is Paypal payment that takes your customer support.
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The home page of Paypal and your client will then have the choice to pay using their Paypal account (if any) or to pay with his credit card. It is important to know that your client is not obliged to have an account with Paypal to pay by credit card through Paypal.
If your customer has an account with Paypal, it will include e-mail address and password to access their PayPal account in the fields provided. Then it may make payment of the order he made in your online store.
If your client does not have an account with Paypal, or simply wants to pay with his credit card (not through his Paypal account), it should include more information on his credit card number, type, expiry date, etc.. in the fields provided in the Paypal system.
Paypal to verify if the credit card of your score is valid. If the credit card of your score is valid, PayPal will transfer the money from your client to your Paypal account or your bank account according to your choice. When you see that money has been transferred, you can then send the order to your customer.
Here's how to configure the administration of your online store to accept payment by credit card (or debit cards) with Paypal :
Step 1 : Open an account with Paypal
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You must first open an account at Paypal ''Premier'' or ''Business''. It is a simple and fast step. The address to register with ''Paypal'' is :
Step 2 : Select currency
Log in your administration.
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Click on the button ''My web site''.
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You are automatically directed in the section''General Settings'' - ''Generals configurations''.
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Click on the icon ''Currency used in the virtual shop''.
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online store
Section to configure the currency used by the online store will appear.
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Click the down arrow, a list of all the currencies of the world appear. With your mouse, choose the currency you want to see in your online store.
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Note : To accept payments through PayPal, you must choose one of the following currencies (otherwise, the PayPal payment method will be idle) :$£ ¥ AUD CAD EUR GBP JPY USD NZD CHF HKD SGD SEK DKK PLN NOK HUF CZK ILS MXN BRL MYR PHP TWD THB
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Step 3 : Configure the mode of payment and enter the e-mail address.
Also in the section ''My web site''-''Generals configurations'',
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Click on the icon ''Accepted methods of payments configurations''.
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The section to configure the payment options will appear. This section is very large, so we present only a small part of the section.
Locate the section ''Payable by PayPal (by credit card or PayPal account)''.
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e-commerce web site
Click in the box beside the words ''Payable by PayPal (by credit card or PayPal account)''. A small black hook will appear confirming your choice.
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In the box next to the word ''E-mail'', enter the same address that you gave to PayPal to receive payments.
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You are now ready to receive payments via Paypal system in your online store.

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